Category: Misc.

“…the worst thing to happen to Canada since Justin Bieber…”

As always, the internet has a plethora of websites with breaking news stories from around the globe. Of all the ones I stumbled across, nothing stood out more to me than this article from Huffington Post that talks about a letter written by a loyal Tim Horton’s customer’s complaint over their “inferior” lids.

It’s worth the read and it highly entertaining. It will have you nodding your head agreement and saying “I, too, have felt the pain of this individual!”

First world problems at its best.



What a terrible time this is!

What a terrible time this is!

Hey folks,

So I’m going to be the bearer of bad news here and tell you all that I will taking a break from blogging for few days or so. I know, I know, what terrible timing because E3 is happening! I’m sure many other outlets on the interwebs will provide much coverage and opinions about what’s being announced.

We are still accepting articles for guest bloggers, so if that interests you, send away!

Until then, have yourselves a great week and see you soon!

Archie live-action movie coming soon??


Here you go all you Archie fans, a live-action film may soon be in existence, according to Warner Bros. is in development to turn Robert Aguirre Sarcasa’s Afterlife with Archie comic apparently to be directed by Jason Moore.

The plan is to put Archie and his gang in a similar situation like Evil Dead. I’m going to go ahead and assume like Bruce Campbell’s Evil Dead because let’s be honest, a serious Archie zombie movie? Come onnn.

I’m not really a huge Archie fan. Actually, I’m not at all but I figured this could possibly be good news for Archie and zombie fans alike.

Only time will tell…

Why must you toy with my emotions, Game of Thrones?!


Don’t worry folks, no spoilers here. I am just here to vent my frustrations about last night’s episode. I haven’t read the books yet and I’m glad I didn’t because I like the element of surprise. However, my jaw was to the floor as I watched the last ten minutes of the episode. I have not been so distraught over a show since Opie was killed off of SOA.

Anyway, the episode was intense and I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds

No one at my work watches Thrones so I have no one discuss the episode with. Maybe I need a new place of work…

What were your reactions to last night’s mind blowing episode?

– Kristen

Samsung Galaxy S4: Is the fastest selling Android device the perfect phone for the everyday multitasker

The newest smartphone to join the Samsung family is the Galaxy S4 in May and I must say I was quite excited. I currently have the Galaxy S3 and have been quite happy with it since leaving the iPhone behind. While I am still am a supporter of Apple products, I have to say the Android smartphone has won my heart. It’s literally like having a mini computer in my hands.

Anyway, the specs between the two phones aren’t vastly difference. However, Samsung did make some very slight adjustments in terms of camera quality and storage space. While the S3 only came in 16GB and 32GB options, with the S4 you have the option of upgrading to 64GB. In addition to that, you have the option of a microSD up to 64GB. The camera has been upgraded from 8 megapixels to 13 for the rear camera and the front camera from 1.9 megapixels to 2. It is a little lighter in weight but virtually looks the same as the S3. It has a wider HD screen display and is slightly thinner.

The Galaxy S4 camera has been said to be the best on the market according to a French digital optics firm. More about that can be found in the Tech News World article here. Pictures are much more vibrant and has better zooming options.

Little upgrades to the S4 has me wanting to upgrades in the operating system, such as voice control, a sensor software that detects your eye movements so webpages automatically scroll without touching the screen and videos pause when you look away. There is also an “air gesture” option that allows you to magnify parts of the screen when you hover your finger over it. Similar to Apple iPhone Siri option, Samsung has Google Now.

This phone is perfect for the everyday multitasker – which I am. While I am not unhappy with my S4, the flashy user-friendly options has me wanting to make the switch ASAP.

Check out the chart below to compare the side by side specifications of all the popular smartphones in Samsungs line up.

– Kristen

Psychedelic Posters by Elzo Durt

I (Kristen) am an absolutely fan of illustrative art! While I draw here and there myself, seeing other artists such as the ones featured in this blog and the blog poster himself, it makes me wish I had put WAY more time and effort into my art than I have in recent years. Things are slowing down for me considerably, so perhaps I shall pick up a marker or two and get drawing!

Check out this blog and the great art featured in it! I love it.

For all you astronomy fans…

For all you astronomy fans...

This is happening tomorrow. For those of us who don’t have access to super, high-tech, gigantor telescopes, thankfully the wonderful folks Slooh Space Camera will make it easier for you. You can watch the asteroid (that is 9 times larger than a cruise ship) pass by the Earth.

It’s amazing that we humans are so fascinated by something that could ultimately destroy us. We’re so silly.

This is a perfect reminder that life is unstable. We are merely floating in an intergalactic battlefield, so don’t waste your time on pointless things like material objects. Experience the world! Do things! Enjoy life! Because all the things you accumulate will be left behind when the Earth gets obliterated anyway.

Thus ends my motivational rant for the night.

Let’s all watch and marvel at the giant floating rock tomorrow night! Then tell me what you thought about it. (Because I might forget and miss it.)

Until tomorrow,

Goodnight Humans


– Kristen

Brace yourselves. Grumpy Cat: The Movie is coming


2013 Meme of the Year award winner Grumpy Cat, will in fact get her own feature length film, reports The Guardian. The feline internet sensation gained viral internet fame last year with her picture showing her “not impressed” face. She will be animated, giving her speech and a personality. Hollywood movie producers are hoping to create a film much like another famous comic feline, Garfield.

My only question is, why?

There are so many other filmmakers out there with stories to share and art to reveal that aren’t getting green lit. Or they have to wait years and years before their work be recognized. But here we have a cat that, due to unfortunate circumstances, has an expression that renders her to be an internet sensation and because she has won several awards and alotted millions of views, producers are hoping to cash in on this success.

But will Grumpy Cat’s 15 minutes soon run out? With people’s obsession with viral videos and even humans getting famous from them, probably not. I’m just not too sure if this movie will make millions or see mildly disappointing success like the two Garfield films.

With the way mainsteam media is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if the goats who yell like humans will get their own sitcom in the near future…

Oy vey.


– Kristen